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WALKTHROUGH: LEVELS 15 - 35 ====...


Goals: (1) Own 1 bank (2) 1 bank donating to charity (3) Rental income $80,000

# Build a Tudor, upgrade to 3 stars and sell right away. (you should get between $180,000 -$195,000)

# Buy 1000 materials and train 1 additional worker and build an Estate house on an empty lot.

# Buy an additional 1000 materials and build another Estate house and upgrade one Estate to 2 stars and one to 1 star.

# Buy 2500 materials and build a bank and designate it as a charitable institution.

# Buy 2500 materials and build a workshop, train 3 additional workers and then build another Estate.

# Upgrade all your Estate houses to 3 stars and inspect them to keep them from needing repairs.

# Buy smaller properties that come up for sale and demolish them and build an Estate house instead.

# Each 3 star Estate will yield you $13,200 in rental income, so once you build 6 of those and add a Tudor to it as well, your goal will be completed.

Level 16
Goals: (1) own 2 premier lots (2) Rent $85,000 (3) no empty lots (4) 3- 3 star Tudors

I played this level twice and it played slightly different each time. It may vary a little but you should be able to stay close to these steps. The premier lots may come up in a different order depending on what game the computer gives for that level. I will give you a first example and then a general example for this level.

# Buy the first premier lot that is for sale ($30,000)

# Construct a Tudor on an empty lot and sell it right away to get some cash(try to sell it before any other houses come up for sale so that you can get the max) that should give you between $142,000- $150,000

# Buy the next premier lot that should be coming up for sale at $60,000 and buy 2500 materials.

# Construct 2 more Tudors, sell one right away, start upgrading the other one to 3 stars as fast as possible.

# Build a workshop so that you can train additional workers, the more workers you have, the more jobs you can get accomplished at one time and also so that you can inspect the houses to keep them from needing repairs.

# Buy the last Premier lot with that comes up for sale at $90,000 and build another Tudor.

# Once the workshop is completed, train an additional 3 workers(you need them so that you can build Estate houses on all 3 premier lots)

# Buy the max amount of materials every single time so that you can save money.

# Build an Estate house on the premier lot that is empty and upgrade it as fast as possible (most of your rental income will come from your houses that are located on the premier lots)

# In between everything, buy houses as soon as they become available and you can afford them. Demolish your properties on the premier lots and build Estates instead, and upgrade them as fast as possible so that your rental income will grow.

# If you buy any small properties, demolish them if you can, and build a bigger property.

Towards the end you should have at least these properties so that you can earn the rental income that you are looking for:
-Three- 3 star Estate houses on premier lots
-Two Estate houses on regular lots
-Three 3-star Tudors on regular lots
-Two regular Tudors on a regular lot

General hints for level 16:

1. Buy the premier lots as soon as they come up, own all 3 and build only Estate houses with upgrades of 3 stars on each.
2. Build some Tudors right away and sell them, to get some cash. Build one, demolish it, build another one and keep it. You need the cash so that you can buy the premier lots right away.
3. Build a workshop by the second time you sell one of your Tudors, you need the workshop so that you save in labor costs and you can inspect your houses.
4. Buy all the empty lots and buy some of the houses that come up for sale as you can afford them, they will help you with the rental income.
5. Upgrade your bigger houses to 3 stars each and then inspect them as soon as they're upgraded. Inspecting them will keep you from having to repair them. You can only inspect them once you've built the workshop.
6. Buy the max amount in materials that you can afford at the time. You will need all of it.
7. Once you've built the workshop get an additional three workers so that you can get more jobs done(You also need it because you need at least 5 workers to build an Estate house, you only start with 4 workers)

Level 17
Goals (1) own one mansion (2) $1,000,000 in cash (3) rental income of $100,000

# Build 2 Tudor houses, upgrade both to 2 stars and sell right away.

# Buy the first premier lot that opens up($90,000)

# Sell the 2 Tudors that you just built (you should get between $170,000 and $180,000 for each)

# Buy the max in materials (5000 units) and build a workshop.

# Train 3 additional workers ($60,000) .

# Build an estate house, upgrade once and sell (you should get between $313,000-$330,000)

# Buy the mansion blueprint

# Destroy the house on the premier lot and build a mansion instead

# Buy the next premier lot as soon as it becomes available, destroy that house and build a mansion instead.

# Start building as many mansions as you can, upgrade to 3 stars and inspect.

# Buy property as it comes up for sale.

# Buy 2500 units of materials as soon as the money becomes available.

# Upgrade both your mansions to 3 stars and inspect.

# Build one more mansion and a bank, after the bank is built designate it as a charitable institution, so you don't pay taxes.

# Repair your properties as soon as they need fixing, or you will not earn income until you do.

# Buy property as it comes along, demolish smaller ones and build mansions instead.

# Once your rental income gets to about $140,000 or more and your money is over $500,000, sell a three star mansion or any property. That will put you over the million and then you're done.

Goals (1) own 3 mansions on premier lot (2) no empty lots in the neighborhood (3) rental income $150,000 (2) 2 star Estates

# Build 2 Tudors and sell them right away, if you sell them as soon as they are completed and there are no other properties available for sale, you will get the full asking price of $150,000 each. You have to do it fast, as soon as one is done, put it up for sale and start building the second one. If an empty lot becomes available for $25,000 buy it. As soon as the other house is completed you will be able to put if for sale right away.

# Buy 2500 materials, build a workshop and train 3 more workers after the workshop is completed.

# In between buy the empty lots that come up for sale.

# Build a Mansion and an Estate on some empty lots. Upgrade the Mansion and the Estate to 3 stars each and inspect them.

# Build a bank and designate it as a charitable institution.

# As soon as you can afford it buy a premier lot that is for sale at $180,000 and demolish it as soon as it needs repairs (This will allow you to make a little extra rental income before you demolish it and build a mansion.) Demolish your property that is on the premier lot and build a mansion on there instead. If the property becomes damaged right before you are going to demolish it, you don't have to fix it first. Just go ahead and destroy it, build the Mansion and start upgrading it so that you can earn extra rental income.

# At this time your rental income should be close to $54,000. Buy the next premier lot that becomes available for $180,000 and finish upgrading your mansion to 3 stars and then inspect it.

# Demolish the next premier lot that you purchased and build another Mansion on it. Buy 2500 materials and build one more Estate on an empty lot, upgrade to 2 stars and inspect.

# Buy the last premier property for $360,000 and demolish it and build a Mansion on it instead.

# Build one more Estate house, upgrade it to stars and inspect it.

Goal (1) 7 mansions (2) 5 inspections (3) 1 million

# Build an Estate, upgrade to 1 star and sell right away (approx. $313,000)

# Buy 5000 materials and build a workshop.

# Train 3 workers and build 3 mansions one after another and upgrade each to 1 star. That will use up your 5000 materials.

# Sell one mansion, to get some cash (Approx $600,000 to $660,000)

# If a premier lot becomes available that you can afford to buy, get it and demolish it so that you can build a Mansion on it that will yield you a higher rental income.

# Buy 5000 materials and build another Mansion, buy another premier lot, destroy the house on it and build a Mansion instead right away. Upgrade all your Mansions to 3 stars and inspect them, to keep them from needing repairs.

# Keep buying the max amount of materials you can afford and keep upgrading houses and inspecting them. At this time you should have at least 4 Mansions. Your rental income should be over $100,000. Don't forget to inspect at least 5 houses.

# Build the bank and designate it as a charitable institution

# Buy some more property and demolish the small ones and build 3 more Mansions.

# By the time you get to the 7th mansion, you will naturally get to the million dollars(your rental income will be around $185,000) If you don't, you can sell a property to get it but you CAN'T sell one of the 7 mansions or you will not meet your goal. You can always build an 8th mansion and sell it right away.

Goals (1) own 1 saw mill (2) rental income $180,000 (3) one 3 star Tudor

# Buy the saw mill blueprint and build one on an empty lot.

# Build an Estate house, upgrade once and sell it right away (you should get between $313,000 - $330,000)

# Buy 5000 materials and build a workshop and train 3 more workers.

# Build 2 Mansions and a Tudor on some empty lots. Upgrade the Tudor to 3 stars and inspect it. Upgrade each Mansion to 2 stars.

# Buy 5000 materials and build one more Mansion on an empty lot. Start upgrading all your properties to 3 stars and inspect them.

# Buy a smaller property, demolish it and build a bank that you will designate it as a charitable institution.

# Buy the first premier lot that becomes available for ($330,000) demolish it and build a Mansion ASAP. Upgrade the Mansion to 3 stars and inspect it.

# Buy 5000 materials and purchase the last premier property and demolish it and build another Mansion.

# Buy a small property, demolish it and build another Mansion and upgrade it to 3 stars and inspect. There should be an Estate house on a regular lot available for around $300,000, once you buy that your goal will be completed.

# Each 3 star Mansion on a regular lot will give you $26,400 in rental income. Each 3 star Premier Mansion will give you $31,600 in rental income.

Level 21
Goals (1) Own 2 Estates on premier lots (2) build a fire station (3) 4 million in cash

# In some levels you'll concentrate on aculating large amounts of cash while in others you'll concentrate on having a large rental income coming in. In level 21, for example, the goals are to build 2 premier estates, build a fire station and aculate $4,000,000 in wealth. There's no mention of rental income, so you can do these steps to aculate as much money as you can. This is an example for Level 21 but it can help you in other levels as well.

# The first thing you should do is buy a saw mill - you will need the materials savings because you want to build as many houses as you can. Buy the maximum amount of materials you can afford. You should be able to build 3 Estates, one at a time with the materials and workers you have.

# As soon as the first premier lot becomes available, buy it. It should cost approximately $180,000. You may not have enough cash on hand, so sell one of your Estate houses. If there are no upgrades on it and no other houses for sale at the time, you should be able to get approximately $300,000 for it.

# Take the money that's left over and build a workshop so that you can train additional workers at half the price and be able to inspect the houses later to keep them from needing repair. It is a good idea to train 6 additional workers so that you can perform multiple jobs at once.

# Buy as many properties that come up for sale as you can, this will help you at the end because if you own all the properties you can control how many houses go up for sale at one time thus getting your full asking price.

# Start building as many mansions as you can and upgrade them to 3 stars and inspect them as soon as you do the last upgrade. Once you inspect the house you will not need to do any further repairs, which will save your workers to do other jobs.

# Buy the blueprint for the fire station towards the end once you've aculated a large amount of cash. You can demolish your smallest property or if you still have an empty lot, build on there.

# Permits start at level 22, so you can't upgrade the houses to 4 stars (but it is good to do once you p level 21) .

# Buy a bank and designate it as a charitable institution so that you don't have to pay the taxes.

# Demolish small properties that you've purchased and build bigger houses. Once you've built your 2 Estate Houses and the Fire Station, start selling your mansions first, one at a time to get the best offer and the game will end once you hit your mark. Don't sell your 2 Premier Estates or demolish your Fire Station or you will not p the level. Even though there is a check mark next to those finished goals if you sell them it's as if you never accomplished your goals.

Level 22
Goals (1) Own 1 saw mill (2) Buy 3 upgrade permits (3) Own 3 Mansions upgraded with 4 stars (3) five 3 star Estates

# Build a saw mill and buy 2500 materials.

# Build an Estate, upgrade to 3 stars and sell it as soon as there are no other houses up for sale or if there is only one for sale at the time.

# Buy a premier property for $90,000. Build a workshop and train 3 workers after the workshop is completed. Demolish the house on the premier lot and build a Mansion on it. Upgrade it to 3 stars, buy a permit and then upgrade it to 4 stars.

# Build 2 Estates on regular lots, upgrade to 3 stars, buy a permit, upgrade to 4 stars and inspect.

# Buy the next premier lot, demolish it, buy 5000 materials and build another Mansion on the premier lot and upgrade that to 4 stars and inspect it.

# In between everything, upgrade multiple properties at once and buy the smaller houses that come up for sale, demolish them and build some Estates instead.

# Build a bank and designate it as a charitable institution.

# Train 3 more workers so that you can get more jobs done.

# Build 3 more Estates and upgrade them to 3 stars and inspect. If there are no empty lots, just demolish one of your smallest properties and build an Estate on there. The money that you are earning on your Mansions are going to enable you to train the extra workers and to buy the max amount of materials.

Level 23
Goals (1) Own one Tudor on a premier lot (2) Own 1 Estate on a premier lot (3) Own 1 Mansion on a premier lot (4) rental income of $200,000

# Build an Estate, upgrade once and sell (you should get between $313,000- $330,000 for it)

# Buy the $60,000 premier lot (or whichever one comes up first)

# Buy 1000 materials and build a saw mill and a workshop on empty lots.

# After the workshop is completed train 3 more workers so you can build the bigger houses first

# Buy the next 2 premier lots that become available (between $60,000 - $90,000)

# Buy 5000 materials and demolish your smallest premier property first and build an Estate on there.

# Demolish another premier property and build a Tudor on that one.

# Build a bank and designate it as a charitable institution.

# In the meantime, start upgrading your premier Estate and your premier Tudor to 4 stars(remember to get a permit so that you can upgrade it to 4 stars) After you've upgraded them all the way, inspect them.

# Train 2 more workers and buy 2500 materials

# Demolish your last premier property and build a Mansion on there. Upgrade it all the way and inspect it.

# Buy the last premier property that is available and demolish it.

# Buy 5000 materials and build a Mansion on that last premier property and upgrade it to 4 stars and inspect.

# Train 3 more workers and start building more Mansions on the empty lots and start upgrading them quickly. You should be able to build 3 more Mansions quickly.

You should have the following at the end.
-Two 4-star premier Mansions
-One Mansion with 4 stars one a regular lot
-Two Mansions with 1 star on a regular lot
-One Mansion with 2 stars on a regular lot /Plus- 1 premier Estate with 4 stars and 1 premier Tudor with 4 stars

Goals (1) 2 million in cash (2) own 5 colonials (3) one 4 star estate

# Build an estate, upgrade 2 stars and sell right away. Buy 1000 materials and build a saw mill.

# Buy the premier lot that sells for $180,000.Buy 5000 materials and build a workshop and train 2 more workers.

# In this level you don't have to worry about rental income but you still have to build at least two properties that will earn you equity so you can sell them at the end to make your 2 million goal.

# Build a mansion on the premier lot and upgrade it to 4 stars and build 2 colonials on regular lots and upgrade them so that you can earn a little money from it.

# Build a bank and designate it as a charitable institution. Buy the next premier lot for sale at $180,000 and build a 4 star Estate on it. Always buy the max amount of materials you can afford.

# Colonials do not cost that much to build so buy the smallest properties that come up for sale and demolish them right away and start building colonials. Upgrade to 4 stars and inspect them.

# At this point you should have at least 3 Colonials with some upgrades, a premier 4 star Mansion and a premier 4 start Estate. Your rental income should be around $70,000.

# Build another Mansion on a regular lot and upgrade it to 4 stars and inspect it.

# In the meantime, don't forget to buy some properties that come up for sale and demolish them so that you can finish building your Colonials.

# Once you have 5 Colonials, a 4 star Estate and over $800,000 in the bank, then it is time to sell your Mansions and your goals will be complete. Each mansion will earn you over $800,000 each

At the end you should have:
-Five colonials(3 with 4 stars and 2 with 2 stars)
-Two mansions (1- 4 star on a premier lot and a 4 star on a regular lot)
-One 4-star estate on a premier lot
-A bank, saw mill and workshop

This is important: you only need to buy the 2 smallest premier lots that come up for sale
($180,000) . Take your time and let the money build up from your two premier properties. The buildings are important to have, especially the bank so that you don't have to pay taxes on your expensive properties. Inspect all houses so that they don't break down.

Goals: (1) own one museum on a premier lot (2) Rental income $250,000

# Build a saw mill and buy 2500 units of materials.

# Build an Estate house and sell it right away, you should get around $300,000 depending on when you sell.

# Build a workshop and train 3 additional workers.

# Buy 5000 units of material.

# Build 4 Mansions right away and upgrade to one star for now.

# Buy the smallest premier lot for now.

# Sell one of your Mansions and get over $600,000 for it.

# Buy 5000 units of materials

# Upgrade the rest of your Mansions to 3 stars, get a permit upgrade to 4 stars and inspect all of them.

# Train 3 more workers.

# Buy premier properties as they come along and demolish your smallest one so that you can build the museum on there.

# Buy the blueprint for the museum and place it on the premier lot.

# Buy 5000 units of materials

# Build a bank and designate as a charitable institution.

# Buy the max in materials every time.

# Destroy your other premier property and build a mansion instead.

# Destroy all your small houses and build as many Mansions as you can and update simultaneously so you can get the max in rental income. You have enough workers so do multiple jobs.

# Towards the end you should have at least
-One museum on a premier lot
-One saw mill
-One bank designated as a charitable institution
-Two 4-star Mansions on premier lots
-One Estate house
-Four Mansions on regular lots with 4 stars
-Two Mansions with 2 stars

Goals: (1) own 1 Castle (2) rental income of $275,000 (3) three 4 star Tudor (4) four 4 star Estates

# Build a workshop and train 2 additional workers.

# Build a saw mill and buy 5000 materials after the mill is built.

# Build 3 Mansions on regular lots and upgrade them each with one star.

# Sell one Mansion when there are none or just one property for sale at the moment.

# Buy the smallest premier lot ($180,000) if it's available at that time or wait until it comes up.

# Buy 5000 materials and build a bank and designate it as a charitable institution.

# Buy a Colonial house, demolish it and then soon after and build a Tudor on it instead.

# Buy the Castle blueprint train 2 more workers and demolish the premier property and build a Castle on that instead. Upgrade the Castle to 4 stars and inspect it.

# Start buying as many properties as you can afford, demolish them and start building the Estates and the Tudors that you need. Upgrade three Tudors to a 4 star rating and upgrade four Estates to a 4 star rating.

# Buy the next premier property that is available (the Mansion will cost approx $720,000) . Keep that property as is and upgrade it to 4 stars.

# Buy the next premier property, it should be an Estate house, don't demolish it because it will count towards one the houses that you need for your goals. Upgrade it 4 stars and inspect.

# Keep buying 5000 materials as needed and keep upgrading the houses and inspecting them.

# There should be another Estate on a regular lot that will come up for sale at approx $330,000. Buy it and start upgrading it to 4 stars right away.

# Since you have 9 workers you will be able to do multiple jobs at once. Do several upgrades at once to maximize your time.

# Buy whatever property comes up at this time. In the end you should own every single house on the lot, with the exception of maybe one. Demolish the real small ones and upgrade the bigger ones, like the Estates and the Mansions.

Level 27
Goals (1) 3 Castles on premier lots (2) three houses with 4 star upgrades (3) rental income of $350,000

# Here's an example for aculating large rental income. The goals are 3 Premier Castles, 3 Four Star upgrades and Rent $350,000. There's more than one way to accomplish your goals, but these tips will help you get there faster and will also save you the most money in the long run.

# Build a saw mill and buy the maximum amount of materials that you can (since they're now half price) .

# Build an Estate house and upgrade it to 2 stars and sell it as soon as you see the first Premier lot (with a house on it) come up for sale .

# Build a workshop so that you can train workers at half the cost. You will need to train at least 6 additional workers since Castles require 9 workers at one time.

# Keep the house that is on the premier lot for a short time so that you can aculate some rental income. After a while, demolish it and build your first Castle.

# Build 3 mansions and upgrade them as much as you can so that you can sell one and use the profits to buy the next premier lot that becomes available. Repeat until you buy all 3 premier lots.

# In between all of your transactions, buy as many empty lots that come up for sale as you can.

# Build the biggest houses you can afford and upgrade them. Buy permits and inspect them as soon as you can. You need to build the biggest properties so that you can get the most rental income from them and to satisfy your goals as well.

Goals (1) Own 5 Castles (2) Own 1 saw mill (3) rental income of $400,000 (3) three 4 star Mansions

# Build a saw mill and an Estate house, sell the Estate house right away.

# Buy 500 materials and build a workshop

# Train 4 more workers, buy 5000 materials and build a Castle right away and start upgrading it until you get to 4 stars and then inspect it.

# Build a bank and designate it as a charitable institution.

# Buy 5000 more materials and build another Castle on an empty lot.

# Buy 5000 materials and keep upgrading the two Castles until you get 4 stars each.

# Start buying properties as they become available, look out for the Premier properties, you need to buy them as soon as you can, demolish them and build Castles on the premier lots.

# Buy property that becomes available on the regular lots, demolish them and build 3 Mansions instead.

# Buy 5000 materials each time you need to restock.

# Train 3 more workers so you can get more work done.

# It's cheaper to build your own Castle than it is to buy it but if one becomes available towards the end and you can afford it just buy it instead of taking the time to build it.Only do it if you only need one more Castle to finish the goals.

# Finish upgrading the Mansions to 4 stars and keep upgrading and inspecting all your properties so that you can make the $400,000 rental income.

Level 29
Goals(1) own 1 bank (2) $5,000,000 in cash (3) 18 empty lots in the neighborhood

# Build 2 Estate houses and sell one right away(if sold when no other houses are up, it should give you
approx. $300,000)

# Upgrade the second one to two stars and sell (approx $342,000)

# You should have about $763,000 at this time.

# Buy the max amount of materials(5000 units)

# Build a saw mill and a workshop.

# Build a bank and designate as a charitable institution.

# Train 6 workers.

# Always buy the max amount in materials as you can.

# Start building as many Castles as you can and upgrade to 4 stars and inspect them.

# In between doing everything ,buy property, demolish your smaller houses and build bigger ones. Buy everything that comes up that you can afford because you will have to destroy all of them at the end.

# Train at least 3 more workers. You will be able to do multiple jobs at one time and they will come in handy as you're demolishing your houses.

In the end I had at least:
Six 4-star Castles
Four 4-star Estates
Five Mansions with 2 stars or more

When your money gets close to 5 million (4.5 or so) You need to follow these steps in the following order:
# Demolish the workshop and the saw mill first
# Do NOT demolish the bank or you will not meet your goal.
# Start demolishing all your small properties first and then proceed to demolish the bigger properties.
# You will keep earning rental income on the houses that are still standing until you destroy them. That is why it's important to keep your bigger houses until the last minute.

Level 30
Goals: (1) Own 1 ice rink on a premier lot (2) Rental income of $400,000 (3) four 3 star Estates

# Build a saw mill and a workshop.

# Build an Estate and sell it on the spot.

# Train 4 more workers, buy 5000 materials and build 2 Castles on the empty lot.

# Buy the empty lots as they become available, always buy the max amount of materials and upgrade the houses to 4 stars.

# Buy an additional 5000 material and build your third Castle.

# Build a bank and donate your earnings to charity

# Buy the blueprint for the ice rink.

# Sell one of your Castles so you can afford to buy one of the Castles that is on the premier lot, you don't need to demolish it right away, let it earn you a little income and when it's getting close to the end, you can demolish it and build the ice rink on it.

# Start buying smaller properties as they become available, demolish them and start building some 4 star Estates on them.

# When an Estate becomes available and you buy it , don't demolish it, just upgrade it to 4 stars and inspect it.

# Once you have all 4 Estates, start building Castles on the rest of the properties and upgrade them all.

# Train 6 more workers, to get more jobs done at once.

# Demolish the Castle on the premier lot and build the ice rink.

# Buy the last Castle on the premier lot and upgrade it to 4 stars.

# In the end you should at least 6 Castles on regular lots and one on a premier lot that have been upgraded between 2 to 4 stars(depending on how many you can get done) Along with your four 4 star Estates.

Level 31
# Goals (1) Own 1 surf shop on a premier lot (2) Employ 12 workers (3) six 4 star Ramblers (4) 1 premier Colonial

# Build a workshop and train 3 workers.

# Build a saw mill and buy 1000 materials.

# Build a Mansion, upgrade once and sell it when there is one house or less up for sale.

# Buy 5000 materials.

# Train 4 more worker workers.

# Build 2 Castles on any empty lots.

# Build a bank and donate the money to charity.

# Keep upgrading your 2 Castles and buy smaller properties as they become available.

# Once you start buying the smaller properties, demolish them and start building Ramblers (You will need six 4 star Ramblers to complete the goal)

# Buy the premier Mansion for $720,000 and demolish it and build a Colonial on there instead.

# Buy the surf shop blueprint.

# Keep restocking materials at 5000 units each time.

# Keep buying houses, demolish them and build Ramblers on them. Make sure to upgrade multiple Ramblers at one time so you can get them done in time. The good thing about the Ramblers is that they don't require too many materials or man power to build and upgrade them. Finish building the six Ramblers with 4 stars each as soon as you can.

# You may need the income from the Castles so you can afford to buy the last premier lot that costs $1,440,000. If you follow the steps above you may not need it and the money will just aculate on its own.

# As soon as you buy the last premier lot(the one with the Castle) , just demolish it and build the surf shop on it instead.

Level 32
Goals (1) Own 3 Castles on premier lots (2) Own 4 Mansions upgraded with 4 stars (3) Own 5 Estates upgraded with 4 stars (4) rental income of $500,000

# Build a saw mill and a workshop.

# Train 2 workers.

# Buy 1000 materials.

# Build a Mansion, upgrade once and sell it when there is one house or less up for sale, to ensure you get the best offer on the house.

# Buy the first Premier lot that comes up for $90,000.

# Train 2 more workers

# Demolish the premier house on the lot you just purchased and build a Castle on there instead. (buy 5000 materials and then build the Castle)

# Build a bank and donate the money to charity.

# Buy the next premier lot that becomes available for $360,000. Demolish it and build another Castle in its place.

# Buy the next premier lot for $180,000 and hold on to it until needs repairs. As soon as it needs repairs, don't fix it, just demolish it and build your third Castle on there.

# Keep upgrading the other 2 Castles to 4 stars each and then inspect them.

# If an Estate becomes available, buy it and upgrade it to 4 stars and inspect.

# Start buying some property, demolish them and start building the 4 Mansions that you need, upgrade them to 4 stars each.

# Train 3 more workers

# As soon as you're done with the Mansions, start building the five 4 star Estates that you need.

# Work fast, the extra helpers will allow you to upgrade 2 or 3 houses at the same time so you can meet your goal.

# Inspect the houses as soon as you get the 4 stars on them. This will keep you from stopping what you are doing to repair houses.

# Build one last Castle in order to meet your rental goals.

Level 33
Goals (1) own 1 cinema premier lot (2) 10,000,000 cash (3) 10 inspections (4) 8 houses

# Build 2 estate houses, upgrade to 1 star and sell them both right away (you should get approx $550,000- $600,000 for both)

# Buy 5000 units of materials.

# Build a workshop, a saw mill and a bank,(designate the bank as a charitable institution right away)

# Train 4 more workers (you need 9 workers to build a Castle)

# Build a Castle and buy 5000 materials.

# Buy property in between transactions, you will need as many houses as possible.

# Sell your Castle the first chance you get (it should yield you over a million dollars if you sell it when there are no other houses available)

# After you sell the Castle, buy every property that comes up, specially the premier properties.

# Train 3 more workers.

# You don't have to repair houses that you plan to demolish, just demolish them and build bigger houses.

# Sell a 2 star Castle, when no other houses are for sale , it will earn you $1,440,000.Use that money to buy premier lots.

# Buy the blueprint for the cinema and build it on a premier lot. Destroy the smallest house that is on your premier lot, and build the cinema on it instead.

# Keep buying the max amount of materials, every single time. Buy as much property as you can and train 3 more workers. Inspect as many houses as you can. Make sure your premier lots have upgraded Castles on them (except for the one that needs to have the cinema on it)

# If you're running out of time, start inspecting houses as fast as possible, even if they are not all upgraded to the max.

# Once you have fulfilled all your other obligations(10 inspections, 8 houses and a premier cinema) Start selling all your Castles, one by one. Each upgraded Castle can earn earn you between $1,500,000- $1,750,000 if it's on a premier lot, and a little less on a regular lot. Sell until you reach the 10 million

# At this point you should have over 2 million in the money tab and over 300,000 in rental income.

# At the end you should have at least
-Three castles on premier lots with 4 stars and inspect them
-One cinema on a premier lot
-Five more castles with upgrades and inspections
-A couple of mansions with upgrades and some other property

Level 34
Goals (1) 10 million in cash (2) five four star mansions

# Build a saw mill and a workshop.

# Train 2 workers and buy 1000 materials.

# Build a Mansion on an empty lot and sell it as soon as you can.

# Train 2 more workers and build 2 Castles .

# Buy 5000 materials.

# Build a bank, so you don't want to have to pay taxes on those expensive Castles.

# Buy the premier lot for $360,000 demolish and build a Castle on it.

# You are going to upgrade every single house that you can to 4 stars and then inspect them.

# Buy 5000 materials or the maximum allowable, every time you need to restock in materials.

# Train 3 more workers.

# Buy properties as they become available and start building at least 6 Castles and upgrade them all to 4 stars. Try to buy the premier lots as they become available, demolish them and build Castles on them.

# Train 4 more workers, this will give you enough workers for you to upgrade Castles in between doing everything else.

# Start aculating some Mansions and upgrade them to 4 stars as soon as you can. This goal will appear closer to the end of this level. If you plan ahead for it, you will be able to finish in plenty of time. You will be able to buy some Mansions already finished and the rest you will have to build yourself.

# Each 4 star Castle on a regular lot will yield you $1,680,000 each. In the end, depending on how much you have aculated in cash, you may need to sell between four and six 4-star Castles to make it to the 10 million dollars. Once you have at least six 4 star Castles and you've built the five required 4 star Mansions it will be time to start selling your Castles one by one. The level will end once you've aculated the $10,000,000.

Level 35
Goals(1) 1 premier marina(2) 15 million cash (3) rent 500,000 (4) 3 premier castles

# Build an estate, upgrade to 1 star and sell immediately. Build a saw mill.

# Buy 5000 materials and build a workshop and a bank and designate the bank as a charitable institution. Train 6 more workers. Build one more estate and sell right away.

# On this level, build only Castles. Even if you buy smaller properties, demolish them right away and build castles on them.

# Build a Castle, upgrade to 1 star and sell right away. This will give you well over a million in cash to play with. Buy the premier lots as they become available and demolish whatever is on there and build some castles.

# Buy the blueprint for the marina and put it on a premier lot.

# Train 6 more workers.

# Always buy the max amount of materials in between jobs. Start building Castles and upgrade as many as you can to 4 stars and then inspect them to keep them from needing repair.

# What is gong to help you get through this level is speed. Buy properties as they come up for sale and demolish them right away and build castles.

# Building only castles will help you achieve the rental income that you need and it will help you maintain rental income while you sell some property to make it to 15 million.

# If you are doing too many things at once and too many smaller properties are coming up for repair that you can't get to, just demolish them and wait until you can build a Castle on there. This will help save your workers for the bigger jobs and it will not use up too many materials.

# Towards the end if you're running out of time, it's OK to inspect some houses even if they are not upgraded all the way, this will keep you from losing rental income and save your materials and workers.

# When your total reaches over 9 million and your rental income is over $700,000 and you've met all the requirements, it's time to start selling.

# You should be able to sell 3 of your 4 star castles. You should sell it when no other houses are up for sale and you should get $1,680,000 for each and it will only take away $60,000 of rental income away from your total for each house you sell.

# If you have not purchased all the houses in the neighborhood and one comes up for sale while you are trying to sell your 4 star castle, just buy it right away and your full price will be offered. d.

By adie
wow tnx!
By gg
thx a lot. this reallly helped.
By greg
On level 35. I'm just curious. Why buy the marina so early? Does it generate income? I would think it would make more sense to build that at the end.
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