Mystery Tales: The Hangman Returns: Chapter 5: Outside Marcus' House
This Mystery Tales: The Hangman Returns Walkthrough will help you unravel the mysterious suicides at Death Printed Ltd Publishing House.
Chapter 5: Outside Marcus' House
- Use the CAN OPENER, take the WRENCH, and PICTURE PART 1/3 (S).
- Take the GLOVE (T) and BRUSH (U).
- Use the GLOVE (V) and play the HOP (purple); receive the BASKET.
- Use the BASKET to collect the PUPPY (W); take the SCISSORS (X).
- Give the PUPPY (Y).
- Go forward.
- Use the HOOK to collect the SEAL FRAGMENT (Z).
- Use the SCISSORS (A) and WRENCH (B); take the ROCK, PICTURE PART 2/3, and GUNPOWDER.
- Take the LETTER OPENER and place the WIND ROSE INLAY (C); take the SHELL CASE and PICTURE PART 3/3 (D).
- Go back.
- Place 3 PICTURE PARTS (E).
- Play the mini-game.
- Easy solution: 5-7-6-5-2-4-1-3.
- Hard solution: 7-6-3-2.
- Go forward.
- Use the LETTER OPENER (F).
- Use the ROCK, HOOK, take the EMPTY GUN, and PICTURE FRAGMENT (G).
- Use the BRUSH, take the MATCHES, and SHRAPNEL (H).
- Put the GUNPOWDER and SHRAPNEL into the SHELL CASE, close it, and receive the BULLET.
- Put the BULLET into the EMPTY GUN; receive the LOADED GUN.
- Shoot the LOADED GUN (I).
- Place the SEAL FRAGMENT (J). Play the mini-game.
- Easy solution: 1-4.
- Hard solution: 6-11.
- Take the SKULL TOKEN.
- Go to the Abandoned Amusement Park.
- Insert the SKULL TOKEN (K). Play the mini-game.
- Easy solution:
- (8-9)-(9-10)-(10-11)-(11-12)-(1-2)-(2-6)-(2-3)-(3-4).
- Hard solution:
- (12-11)-(10-9)-(10-8)-(11-7)-(2-1)-(2-6)-(4-2)-(3-4).
- Play the mini-game.
- Easy solution: 1-3-2-9-10-8.
- Hard solution: 5-1-4-9-3-7.
- Play the mini-game.
- Easy solution: (X-Y).
- Hard solution: (Z-A).
- Take the NIPPERS.
- Go to Marcus' House.
- Use the NIPPERS (B).
- Enter the Bedroom.
- Take the WINE and SCOOP (C).
- Take the BROKEN PUPPET, COGWHEEL 1/2, pull the book, and place the PICTURE FRAGMENT on it (D).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (E).
- Open the book and take the CANDLE.
- Place the CANDLE and use the MATCHES (F); receive the CANDLESTICK.
- Go back.
- Place the CANDLESTICK (G).
- Enter the Basement.